Africa needs Biden to have a wider vision, a ‘PEPFAR’ for our time
by K. Riva Levinson
In the face of Russia and China's increasing engagements in Africa, the White House's new U.S. Strategy towards Sub-Saharan Africa falls short of the vision needed to address the harsh realities facing the continent. With the U.S.-Africa Leaders' Summit just a few months away, the Biden Administration should follow the example of another successful strategy launched nearly twenty years ago: PEPFAR.
Opportunity in crisis: The case of Nigeria's election
by K. Riva Levinson
With Nigeria gearing up for elections next year, the race between two wealthy septua-genarians shows that the political class is out of touch with Nigeria's young population. Political outsiders have the best shot at fielding a consensus candidate.
America's interests in stopping Russian destabilization must extend to Africa
by K. Riva Levinson
President Biden's strategy for countering the Kremlin's geopolitical ambitions should extend to Africa, where Russia's destabilization operations continue to undermine the continent's democratic, security, and human rights institutions.
Biden's 'Democracy Summit' meets the African paradox
by K. Riva Levinson
As the Biden administration prepares for its virtual “Summit for Democracy," one of the fundamental challenges for U.S. policy will be how to advance the agenda of the African people without contributing to the inertia of its undemocratic leaders.